Medical Evacuation vs Repatriation
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- repatriation vs evacuation, medical repatriation, medical evacuation, repatriation, evacuation
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- 03-01-2022

Have you considered medical evacuation vs repatriation. We look at the differences between medical evacuation and repatriation. Find out which service may be of benefit for your needs.
The Need For Medical Repatriation Services
Generally, for patients who require immediate emergency medical services, the first priority of professional transport providers is to ensure they get the necessary medical treatments they need as quickly as possible.
Repatriation and medical evacuation services can be beneficial for individuals who travel frequently. Typically, we all expect our trips abroad to go relatively well without a hitch, and they often do; however, it is always best to ensure you have backup services to assist you.
Medivac and repatriation services allow those travelling abroad or who have moved away from home or their principal residence to receive high-quality care for any medical illness, severe accident or condition that they cannot receive at nearby local hospitals, clinics or an appropriate facility.
What are Emergency Medical Evacuation and Medical Repatriation Services?
Medical evacuations or emergency evacuation are often needed when individuals in another country suffer from detrimental or life-threatening emergency health issues and must be transferred to another or the nearest medical facility that will provide them with the care they require. There are numerous benefits from using services as such; you'll always be sure that you're covered if you catch a virus or get an injury.

Evacuations can occur through ground transportation or aircraft in times of necessity. In many cases, if your patient is staying in a hospital that does not have the professionals or resources to provide you with the necessary care and treatments, patients can opt for emergency medical evacuation under the attending physician's recommendation.
On the other hand, medical repatriation is a service directly linked to healthcare and the costs it can cover to ensure a patient who requires emergency medical treatment can return home to their native country for further care.
Suppose you catch a serious illness or experience a critical injury in a foreign country after moving or going on holiday. In that case, you are entitled to immediate medical repatriation services to get you back home.
Typically, many hospitalised patients cannot be adequately transported back home to their country through ground transportation. Such is why many patients return home using fixed-wing aircraft systems supported by specialised medical flight teams to assist them with in-flight medical care during the journey.
What is Medical Evacuation?
Medical evacuations happen once a person has been injured in a severe accident or natural disaster. Medical evacuations often include transportation needs, taking the patient to the nearest available hospital or clinic for medical emergency purposes.
Evacuations of this kind also include transferring sick patients from different medical facilities for specialised care; secondary facilities may provide more effective care with the appropriate medical equipment or resources. Typically, many medical evacuations that occur tend to include air ambulances, flying angels or fixed-wing aircraft to aid them in the transportation of patients. Unlike medical repatriation, medical evacuations often involve trained medical personnel with sick patients.
During this service, medical evacuation coverage takes care of all costs concerning the actual transportation itself, but it does not account for the medical bills. The patient's transport insurance providers must cover such bills; however, it may also come from their own pocket or the family members they are being supported by.
In some cases, emergency transport costs can become increasingly high as the journey develops, reaching costly prices, such as £18,345. / $25,000, and that price can get gradually higher.
It is crucial that you understand this before purchasing holiday trips or moving temporarily to remote locations abroad or across the country. Be sure to contact various medivac and repatriation services, double-check and compare quotes to assess which international health insurance company is the most cost-effective and high-quality.

What is Medical Repatriation?
Medical repatriation insurance or repatriation coverage helps cover the costs of medical bills and journeys back to the patient's homeland.
One of the most significant differences that you may find with this service is that medical repatriations trips often do not include medical personnel. However, this factor predominantly depends on the patients' condition and ability to withstand long-distance travel.
The typical case of medical repatriation involves NEMT (Non-Emergency Medical Travel); it is usually for accidents or illnesses that aren't regarded as emergencies. Such allows the patients to take the time to find a company that will offer a sufficient NEMT service willing to cover the transport for them.

Ultimately, medical repatriation is a term that many insurance companies also use when transferring remains back to the deceased home country after death. Such travels and repatriation of remains do not have to be those outside the country.
As a service, it also includes assisting those on vacations get back home if they need immediate medical care, such as taking a patient on a commercial flight or aircraft from Las Vegas to their home in Pennsylvania.
These are some of the most significant differences between medical repatriations and evacuations. It is a wise idea to ensure you have a clear understanding of each type of service before paying for the insurance for any upcoming trips or before moving.
Do I need repatriation and evacuation assistance?
Deciding to move or live abroad long-term is a life-changing choice. Therefore, having medical insurance/emergency repatriation assistance is one of the most significant necessities you will require on your travels in the event of an accident or sudden illness in your new whereabouts.
It is essential to bear in mind that your home countries public health system may offer fantastic coverage and quality services; however, that is not the case in every country around the globe. For example, the UK has the NHS, a free service that all can utilise and take advantage of for most procedures and care, but not all countries have that privilege, and in many locations, healthcare is not free.
For such reasons, it is vital to check your insurance plan and assess whether or not it includes such medical services or the adequate nurses or surgeons to carry out the care patients need. For those planning to move to countries or areas where the provided healthcare is relatively limited, you'll want to take complete advantage of the repatriation assistance service for your wellbeing and safety.
Suppose the country you choose to settle down does not offer access to free or appropriate treatment to help you get better; medical evacuation assists you in being safely transferred to another country that provides such services to be treated accordingly.
Repatriation is a slightly different concept that allows the patient to safely return to their home country to treat their illness or accident. We highly recommend investing in such services as they will genuinely help you get the treatment and care you require if ever you have accidents or catch viruses.

Medical Evacuation And Repatriation Service
If you would like to find out any further information about our Medical Evacuation And Repatriation services our friendly team are always on hand to answer your questions and give our customers peace of mind.