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What Are Common Holiday Accidents

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  • Tags:
  • Holiday Accidents, Sunburn, Road Accidents, Accident Advice
  • Posted date:
  • 20-04-2022
What Are Common Holiday Accidents

Find out more about common holiday accidents? No matter how hard we try to avoid it, having an accident abroad is prevalent, with, compensation claims increasing every summer and festive season. To avoid some common accidents during your next package holiday, keep reading this article.

Common types of accidents on holiday

Holiday accidents happen, with injuries caused either by your own fault or someone else's negligence. 

This can see you set back several thousand pounds or visiting a medical centre or foreign hospital if you do not have proper travel insurance. 

If you are having a holiday abroad, let's look at some top tips to avoid common accidents and holiday claims

Slips, trips and falls

Whether it's trailing wires or wet floors around the poolside, slips and falls are among the common types of injury sustained abroad. Of course, having consumed alcoholic drinks while relaxing can make even the most protected of holiday homes more dangerous, with holiday-goers falling over and in a cast for the remainder of their time away.

To stay safe, you should always take extra care when navigating unfamiliar surroundings (especially when using your phone or camera to document special moments). There have been many moments where someone has fallen over because they were taking photos!

Depending on what country you are visiting, cleaning regulations may differ from UK law. British tourists have found themselves caught out by hotels with uneven carpets or poorly maintained floors. While this isn't to say all hotels present danger and risks, as many are authorised and regulated, our advice is to be wary.

When you have consumed alcohol in warmer climates, your body is more liable to absorb it quicker, meaning the party could be disturbed by a painful trip or fall. 

Sunburn and heatstroke

British tourists are often mistaken for how dangerous the sun abroad really is, with some people requiring medication and treatment after severe sunburns. All travellers going on holiday abroad should be using Sun Protection Factor (SPF) suncreams and looking for star ratings.

SPF protects you against ultraviolet B light and ranges from 2-50, increasing in strength. You should be using a stronger dosage instead of applying the same lower dosage repeatedly.

What Are Common Holiday Accidents?

Star rating systems provide UVA protection (with brands labelling themselves between 1 and 4 stars, with 4 being the highest). Sun-suffered injuries are commonplace for UK families, especially among children that are not accustomed to the heat like their parents. 

To best protect your family, always use a cream with a high combination of SPF and UVA protection when visiting warmer countries.

You should also attempt to find waterproof suncream products, although they will not completely protect after you have emerged from the sea or a swimming pool. In such circumstances, you should reapply.

If you or your children get sunburnt, get out of the sun immediately and cool the skin the best you can. Take a tepid shower or bath, with lotion being applied to the affected areas to soothe.

Other burns can come from spilled hot fat, boiling water and open fires around the house and restaurants. While these may like general damages you would not be overly concerned about at home, they can become much deadlier when abroad. 

Road accidents

When you travel abroad, it can be surprising to drive on the other side of the road. Most holiday destinations drive on the right-hand side, presenting a challenge for left-hand drivers.

Whether you are a passenger, pedestrian or driver, always stay alert as you don't know when a car will emerge from somewhere you weren't expecting it. There have been many instances where British travellers have been caught out by traffic lights and crossings laws in European countries where they differ from the UK.

Injuries can range from whiplash, head injuries and spine fractures, potentially handicapping the driver and other surrounding people for the rest of their lives.   

 Many weather-related car crashes happen because of heavy rainfall, which makes driving much harder in an unfamiliar area. Always remain 20 seconds behind other cars when visibility and surroundings are less than ideal, especially during busier times of the year, such as Thanksgiving, New Year's Day and Christmas Day.

To avoid an expensive and potentially life-threatening accident from happening in a rental car, always follow signs and move safely.

Food poisoning

As bacteria grow quicker and more easily in warmer climates, many holiday illnesses and sicknesses come from people eating seafood and chicken with harmful germs. There is even a risk from fruit and vegetables abroad, as they do not contain the same elements as in England.

The heat and humidity (and foreign water) can easily result in food poisoning and illnesses as your body is unfamiliar with the ingredients' minerals. 

There is always a spike around the festive period, as people travel abroad to eat Christmas food and consume undercooked food and fall ill. Cooking your own food is always going to be safer than dealing with a restaurant abroad, especially if you are concerned about your health. Don't risk it and eat undercooked turkey or chicken.

Food poisoning - Common Holiday Accidents

With regular vomiting, you will quickly become dehydrated, which can soon lead to more severe conditions and feeling deluded when combined with the hotter temperatures.   

 If you experience food poisoning, avoid alcohol or caffeine, as they can make you feel much worse. The NHS recommends sufferers should eat blander foods for the duration of their illness, with toast and bananas being great for the stomach that won't settle.

If you are frequently vomiting or have bad diarrhoea, stay away from other people to avoid passing the illness and infection further. Clean all surfaces you touch, including the toilet seat, taps, basins and other fixtures.

There are other accidents to happen in the kitchen, especially after alcohol has been consumed. Sharp knives when preparing food, in warmer temperatures, can lead to serious injury, putting all around you in danger. 

Sports and excursions

One of the most exciting parts of going abroad for a holiday is the activities you can experience in the sun. Whether rafting, scuba diving, kayaking, hiking, or something else, you should always ensure that you are working with a reputable company and have the correct clothing and equipment.

Many British tourists either lose their lives or receive severe injury because of such excursions. Check the weather beforehand, as stormy and wet weather can make simple activities like walking and hiking incredibly dangerous. 

Always wear the correct footwear, so you don't fall or trip. You may think you aren't going far, but when you have a sprained ankle, you can find any distance too far to walk, especially if you do not speak the native language. If you ever have any reservations about going on a holiday activity, talk to your tour operator and listen to your instincts.

Christmas events

Christmas events can also lead to problems, such as lights on Christmas trees and candles. When gathering in large crowds, be wary of open flames and do not leave candles unattended at any point.

If you have a group of people around your house, always keep candles away from children and pets. Do not light fires, candles or tea lights near furniture, curtains, trees or anything else that could catch on fire.

Christmas decorations, both live flames and electrical decorations, can lead to house fires when installed incorrectly or left to get too hot. Badly wired Christmas lights can be identified by loose connections, frayed wires and broken sockets, so do not use these at any cost. 

Christmas events - Common Holiday Accidents

Aeroplane Accidents

You can also claim compensation for moments where you receive injuries because of the plane travelling to your destination. Whether the injury is a burns caused by hot drinks, objects falling from overhead storage or turbulence, personal injury claims are made from passengers on board flights. 

Unlike other accidents, you will need to make a claim with the travel company you are flying with and must prove this happened to you while the plane was flying. Package holidays may already include travel insurance and protection, outlining how much compensation you can receive.

Thankfully, you are protected legally when flying. The Montreal Convention 1999 means that all airlines have liability over their passengers' injuries. This extends to fatal injuries.

The same goes for package holidays, as Package Holiday Regulations establish responsibility to the holiday provider in the case of an injury. 'Linked Travel Agreements' include protection, although this can vary depending on the company and the package you have bought. For example, you could be protected against theft and road accidents but nothing else.

Cruise Ships

Another one of the most common accidents experienced by British tourists is those from cruise ships. While there are health services on many cruise ships, you are still at risk from food poisoning, unsanitary conditions, and falls from wet surfaces, among other things.

Mental health can also suffer from people on cruise ships, especially when travelling abroad to places they have never been before.

What To Do If You've Had An Accident

If you have had a holiday abroad and experienced personal injury, you should find a law firm with dedicated holiday accident lawyers. Be sure to find one regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority as they will have the most experience. The National Accident Helpline can assist if you have been injured from something that was not your fault.

You should also carry proof of identification and your EHIC card when travelling within the EU. If you require medical care, you will need contact details and information on who you are. While you may want to seek compensation immediately, the first thing you should do is seek medical care. Your health is more important than the money in the first moments.

What To Do If You've Had An Accident on holiday

However, when seeking compensation, there are some things you should do to prepare. Firstly, take photos as evidence of the injury. 

If you have been in an injury at a place of work or eating establishment, you should take as much documentation as possible to legally protect yourself. If you have been in a car accident, always exchange details with anyone else involved to get their insurance providers and vehicle registration details.

The more details you can gather, the more your holiday accident lawyer can assist you. There are different compensation rules depending on the country and the type of accident you have experienced. You must adhere to time limits and compensation settlements for the country you were injured in, meaning it can be a lengthy process overall.

If you have experienced any of the above or other special damages abroad, please contact our team today, and we can ensure you get the best compensation for your injury. The safety of you and your family is of the utmost importance when abroad because nobody wants to come home injured.

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