Why Do People Get Medevac
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- medevac, medical evacuation, travel, medevac flights
- Posted date:
- 04-01-2022

Have you questioned why people get Medevac? We look at the reasons why someone may require a bed to bed Medevac service from any country back to the UK.
What is Medevac?
A "medevac" or "medical evacuation" is the process of transporting an injured patient safely to the nearest hospital or medical facility where they can receive the appropriate further treatment. You are most likely to hear the term referred to during disasters or incidents involving many injured people.
For example, medical evacuations are common for areas experiencing conflicts or rescue efforts after natural disasters. Medevac is also a term used to describe the scenario where a person injured while abroad is transported back to their home country for treatment. However, this process is properly called "medical repatriation".
Professional medevac companies offer their services to numerous clients, including public entities, such as the NHS or the Ministry of Defence, as well as private travel insurance companies and individuals or families.
The professional medical staff that fly on these medevac flights, such as qualified doctors and critical or urgent care nurses, provide all the medical care and support the patient needs while transported as a medical escort.
Most medical evacuation services provide 24-hour air ambulances 365 days a year. This way, they can rescue or provide medical transport for injured patients to the appropriate medical facilities whenever emergencies or incidents arise. It is a grim reality that when people choose to travel abroad and accidents occur, they may not be able to access appropriate medical treatment. Therefore, having a dedicated, round the clock air ambulance service can often be invaluable.

What's included in medevac services?
Arranging for emergency medevac services guarantees patients an effective bed-to-bed service, ensuring their safety as they provide high-quality patient care during timely and efficient movement.

These services include:
Transferring injured patients by ground ambulance from their current location to dedicated air ambulances.
Collating medical notes or patient records where possible and translating them if needed.
Safe transportation of the patient via air ambulance services fully stocked with the necessary equipment and medical personnel required to care for them.
Providing transport for passengers alongside patients where possible.
Ensuring en-route care is provided to the patient by a qualified team of medical professionals at every stage of the journey.
Organising hospital admissions and medical clearance for the hospital or medical facility at the chosen destination before arrival.
Safely transfer the patient from the airport to the hospital to receive treatment.
How Does Emergency Medical Evacuation Work?
The priority of a medevac operation is to transfer the patient from a facility where their life-threatening condition cannot be treated to one where it can. The ultimate goal is to get the patient the care and support they need to save their lives and help them to recover from whatever injuries they have sustained successfully.
Unfortunately, many countries' medical facilities cannot accommodate serious emergencies. For example, suppose you were to travel in one of these countries and happen to fall and injure yourself seriously. In that case, the health clinic you are transported to may not be able to perform the surgeries or procedures required to save you.
This is why it is crucial to arrange medical evacuation services for yourself if you are planning a journey to a country that cannot support serious medical needs.
The process of your medevac could follow a similar routine to the following:
Step 1
The doctor or medical professional treating you in the country you are travelling in will determine that they do not have the facilities to treat you sufficiently. They will certify that your transportation by medevac is a necessity, and you should not travel in any other way.
Step 2
Your attending physician will contact your medevac provider or your health insurance company. Together, they will decide on the best course of action to get you to the nearest hospital capable of caring for you.
Step 3
Your provider or insurance company will gather the necessary paperwork to have you transferred. They will coordinate the ground transportation arrangements for the evacuation and approve them.
Step 4
The company arranging your medevac will then gather a medical crew of doctors, nurses, and paramedics to escort you on your medical flight. This team will monitor your condition during transit and administer pain relief when needed.
Step 5
The flight crew will share the status of your condition with the receiving medical facilities or hospital, and the family members or friends you have declared should be kept informed.
Step 6
When you land, you will be admitted to the receiving hospital or facility, and you will immediately undergo the appropriate surgeries or treatments.
Step 7
Once your condition is stabilised, the doctor or physician attending you will determine any continued treatment and recovery time you need.
Step 8
Your medevac physician will determine whether you can return to your home country or the area you were evacuated from to undergo additional treatment.
Step 9
Once your condition is stabilised, the doctor or physician attending you will determine any continued treatment and recovery time you need.
Step 10
Your medevac physician will determine whether you can return to your home country or the area you were evacuated from to undergo additional treatment.
Step 11
Your medevac provider will arrange your travel to your destination when this is decided.
Step 12
Your provider will also send your claim for medical evacuation to your insurance company. They will acknowledge reception of your claim and request a Claimant's Statement and Authorisation from you.
Step 13
You will submit these forms alongside any requested paperwork, after which your insurance company will check your medical records.
Step 14
Once they have all the information, your health insurance company will determine whether the medical expenses incurred during your medevac are covered under your plan.
Step 15
There will be a maximum amount to how much coverage you get under your insurance policy agreement, which covers the cost of your emergency evacuation and subsequent treatment.
Where Are Medevac Flights Available?
Medical evacuation flights are available in almost any area of the world. Professional medevac companies will work alongside the local hospital or medical services and transportation companies to provide their services to clients. The global nature of these services means that medevac flights via air ambulances can take place either within a country or throughout continents where necessary.
Which countries are most at risk?
Medical cover will vary depending on which countries you choose to visit. The riskiest countries to visit regarding medical capacity for serious treatments are those with extreme environments, regular outbreaks of infectious diseases or limited access to particular drugs or treatments.
Here are a few examples of countries where these limitations can be found, and those travelling internationally want to consider arranging medevac cover for themselves:
If you are not planning to travel to any of these countries in the near future, you should still consider appropriate medical evacuation coverage with any country you visit. No matter your need for medical evacuation or repatriation, these processes are only considered when legitimate and definable medical issues occur.
African Continent
Central African Republic
Middle East
Central Asia
South Asia
North Korea
These countries also see sporadic outbreaks of infectious diseases. They are also those whose better medical facilities are reserved for the richest population.
Central/South America
Eastern Europe
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
International Air Ambulance Service
If you would like to find out any further information about our Medevac services our friendly team are always on hand to answer your questions and give our customers peace of mind.